Rogers singles - free dating site in United States

Here are single women and men who recently logged in or registered at this free dating site resided in Rogers of United States. To view and chat with free singles at Rogers, please click on each personal profile below and send them a message. If you have not signed up yet at this 100% free online dating website then please click on Sign up button above.

Rodney88, Rogers, United States
Rogers, United States
looking for a true good woman that wont give up on
Looking for:

I have had a rough last 2 years health and a divorce but im a one woman man never cheated in my life nor would i because i believe forever is forever

brainylove, Rogers, United States
Rogers, United States
African American Black with positive attitude, lov
Looking for:

I am an African American Black with positive attitude, loving and caring. I m looking for the love of my life.

bree10198, Rogers, United States
Rogers, United States
Looking for:

Hi name is brianna 13 years old luv eminem music

newsafe58, Rogers, United States
Rogers, United States
Am here looking for a commitment relationship
Looking for:

I am sensitive, sentimental, compassionate, and caring, and can be moved to tears by someting highly emotional. Life has taught me some hard lessons. Take the knowledge and wisdom I've gained and combine them with my personal qualities, and you have somebody who will someday be the best thing that ever happened to someone.The one who gains my affection will find me loyal, sincere and honest. Honesty is something I value highly, and when I have met people this way before, things have not gone beyond the first meeting if they turn out to have misrepresented themself in any way. I am here to broaden my opportunities to meet someone, but at the same time I am very content with where my life is now. I am not troubled by my past life.i hope to be in a good relationship would be icing on the cake....I love easy-going, pacific and quiet people who are not full of themselves.I even like people who Are a bit clumsy and unsure... it reveals a genuine human side. I believe that perfection does not exist and I am not expecting it. Life has toughen me a little and made me realize the importance of the essential and simple things in this life. I am a bit on the marginal side with my own different idealistic and romantic views and beliefs about this life, this world. My soul sees the world the way it could be, the way it should be (equal & fair) so it makes it hard to keep faith in better days... No, I am not a pessimist, just an idealist who is being misunderstood. I believe in love, peace, harmony, tolerance, kindness, humility, understanding,fairness, justice, equality for all mankind but I am afraid I won't witness that in my lifetime. My eyes are open and they don't always like what they see.. I am an observer, philosopher, dreamer,lover whose heart is broken on a daily basis by all the worries, struggle, violence, corruption,greed, hostility, hate, injustices, destruction, indifference..

gayjohn, Rogers, United States
Rogers, United States
Looking for:

This guy wants to meet another man that wants a true relationship as a friend first and if it works out be ready to move in with this loving and caring man. Must be honest as I am and some say a bit to honest at times. I tell it as I see it and won't lie. Too old for that and have no reason to even tell a white lie. If I like you then I will say so. If not, then I will also say so.

I am over weight, since I retired and to be honest just have not cared. Could blame it on all sort of things, but won't as it is just me.I

I seek someone that is not wanting to feel it's just a sexual relationship as the sex part is not as long lasting as a true friendship and relationship of love. If feel sex is all there is to a relationship then your wrong. We can talk more on this if were a match.

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