Rostov singles - free dating site in Russia

Here are single women and men who recently logged in or registered at this free dating site resided in Rostov of Russia. To view and chat with free singles at Rostov, please click on each personal profile below and send them a message. If you have not signed up yet at this 100% free online dating website then please click on Sign up button above.

Danmatt, 19910315, Rostov-na-Donu, Rostov, Russia
Rostov-na-Donu, Rostov, Russia
Living situation:
Single woman
About yourself:
Goal getter
Looking for:

Looking for serious relationship that can leads to marriage

Interlocutor, 19610104, Rostov-na-Donu, Rostov, Russia
Rostov-na-Donu, Rostov, Russia
Living situation:
What I am for you, so you will be for me.
About yourself:
Woman is a Flower. And the man is the Gardener. The Gardener looks after and grows the Flower. The flower, in turn, thanks him, giving him its tenderness and beauty. The most caring Gardener has the most beautiful Flower.
Looking for:

Hello lovely stranger! Thank you for turning your attention to my profile for reading these lines! I came to this site with the most serious intentions and believe that I will find a suitable and loving partner for the rest of my life, nothing more and nothing less. I would like to create a very strong family. I think I will be a very good husband for a suitable woman. I will be considerate and will do my best to make sure that I meet all of her needs, especially as a woman from another country. I will take care of her with great pleasure and will do everything to make her feel comfortable. Our strong marriage will also be filled with little surprises and romance. I see how we will create a house where love, respect, understanding will reign, a house filled with laughter and interesting conversations. I hope to share my life with a woman who has the same dreams as me. And most importantly, I am looking for a woman with whom I could feel a deep connection on a personal level, and who, I hope, would become my wife and best friend. I am looking for a relationship in which a husband and wife would help and support each other in everything, share the joys and sorrows of life, make each other happy, and so that their love grows endlessly.I'm looking for a relationship in which two people pledge to love and faithfully accept the other for life and wake up every morning for a new day when, as a couple, they see the new day as a blank sheet of paper on which only themselves can write, look back into end of the day in happy satisfaction. If something happens during the day that upsets the other, then to eliminate any pain until the next day ... it is again a blank sheet of paper. Forgiveness is one of the keys to a happy relationship. Give sacrificially to another and forgive wounds daily.

Uncle_Michael, Rostov, Russia
Rostov, Russia
Looking for:

I`m the liberation, independent and loose, but educated, regular and decent young single gentlemen. I`m unmarried and have not children(I hope...), my mother and father are dead.
I live in a large city in the middle-south of Russia(the distance is not problem for me - I ready to travel and will glad to meet my loved girl in any country of the world).
I have the wide outlook, erudition and non-standard and flexible thinking.

My basic profession is an electronics system`s engineer. But my life was not simply and easy - I had change many jobs: swindler, truck driver, soldier, security guard, photographer, sound engineer, commercial agent, technical consultant, office manager.
Now my job is a private business(real estate(sales and rents), interior disign and internal finishing of some homes, offices, shops and flats) - I`m not very reach, but not poorly...

I`m a typical urban man - tailored for fast and mad lifestyle - I always ready to have many adrenaline and open for the new impressions and new friends. I like the rock concertos, night clubs, dance rave party, some art and fashion show, races(street dragracing), military games(paintball, strikeball, GTA) and any actions. But, together with it, I like to trip in somewhere wild nature places, in mountains, and seacoast. Also I accept the home tranquillity entertainments: books, movies, music and Internet.
My favorite writers: Jack London, Carlos Castaneda, J.R.R.Tolkien
My favorite movies: "American Beauty", "Green Mile", "Eyes wide shut", "The Perfumer", "Silence of the Lambs", "The Matrix", "Amely", "Pulp Fiction", "Lord of Rings"
My favorite music: Metallica, Slayer, MotorHead, IronMaiden, Alice Cooper, DeepPurple, LedZeppelin, Qween, Z.Z.Top, Rammstein, DepecheMode, GogolBordello, Gorillaz, Port812, A-ha, FatBoySlim, BeastieBoys, MichaelJackson, Madonna, DJ Tiesta, DJ Alligator, DJ Bazuka