Khabarovsk singles - free dating site in Russia

Here are single women and men who recently logged in or registered at this free dating site resided in Khabarovsk of Russia. To view and chat with free singles at Khabarovsk, please click on each personal profile below and send them a message. If you have not signed up yet at this 100% free online dating website then please click on Sign up button above.

VadimGorodilov, Khabarovsk, Russia
Khabarovsk, Russia
Looking for:

Hallo, there. How are you doing? Fine? So we are. I mean me and my 7 years old daughter. That’s not exactly true, for if it were true I wouldn’t be here. In fact I’m jobless. 22 year ago I graduated from local collage and I’ve worked as an accountant for 16 years. Then things changed from bad to worse. The firm went bankruptcy, my wife was killed by some bastards, I left holding the baby. I couldn’t find job in spite of all my qualifications. There were so many unemployed accountants and too little vacancies.
My parents helped me then. By and by I used to work as a metalworker and a lathe operator, then again I got job as an accountant in a small firm and thought it was my luck, but this time there was a raid seizure and I was sacked. I tried to be at law with them, but perhaps you don’t know what Russian justice is. I’ll tell you later. Now we live on the dole and the rent we have for letting two chambers of my flat. It is humiliating for a man to live like that but there is nothing I can do about it. I mean I did my best. Unless, hey… thought I why don’t I try and immigrate to the States? It was my ambition when I was the student. Is it possible to get job at your area? For a change I could work as a driver, or something. Would it be possible to take a course in accounting? Maybe I’m just dreaming? After all as Lewis Carroll once said: “Life, what is it but a dream?”
So long.

Snegurochka, Khabarovsk, Russia
Khabarovsk, Russia
Looking for:

I don't need a lover I need a husband

Kat26rus, Khabarovsk, Russia
Khabarovsk, Russia
Looking for:

I merry, modest, honored girl search for the friends and not only!