Gōdo singles - free dating site in Japan

Here are single women and men who recently logged in or registered at this free dating site resided in Gōdo of Japan. To view and chat with free singles at Gōdo, please click on each personal profile below and send them a message. If you have not signed up yet at this 100% free online dating website then please click on Sign up button above.

shunfuji81, 19690218, Gōdo, Gifu, Japan
Gōdo, Gifu, Japan
Living situation:
lonely man
About yourself:
I am a work in progress, but I do care for myself and take of myself well. I then have the energy and abundance of spirit to care for those around me. I believe I have a sense of style - my own mixed with classic design with a touch of elegance.
Looking for:

I like a woman to have her own life too. Friends, interests and sense of adventure and
style. I have plenty of my own ideas ;) opinions, beliefs and thoughts - I respectfully
share all things and love to explore life -- and would like to share all of me with
someone very special. I like that you wish to have someone considerate of others and gives more than takes.
I dislike selfishness and I believe the more you give the greater the abundance that comes to you - especially when you need it most. I also want someone for whom I can share my deepest thoughts, fears and aspirations... I would like someone to know me because she cares to ask and wants to see me for who I am on the inside ...not just my physical self... as the outside fades....the seasons take our youth but can bring us rich rewards of lessons learned and appreciation for all the things that matter .