Peking singles - free dating site in China
Here are single women and men who recently logged in or registered at this free dating site resided in Peking of China. To view and chat with free singles at Peking, please click on each personal profile below and send them a message. If you have not signed up yet at this 100% free online dating website then please click on Sign up button above.
- Username:
- Sandrahini123
- Gender:
- Woman
- Age:
- 39
- Location:
- Peking, Beijing, China
- Living situation:
- Alone
- Firstline:
- Single woman
- About yourself:
- Gentle with good characyer
- Looking for:
Gentle man with good reputation. Love addict who can cope with all situations. Good characters
- Username:
- waiting4you
- Gender:
- Man
- Age:
- 35
- Location:
- Peking, Beijing, China
- Firstline:
- single man
- About yourself:
- Polite with good sense of humor
- Looking for:
a single girl who is confident and can understand my sense of humor
- Username:
- Jeffery12
- Gender:
- Man
- Age:
- 58
- Location:
- Peking, Beijing, China
- Living situation:
- With kids
- Firstline:
- Love come first ❤️. D1299664
- About yourself:
- More to talk about
- Looking for:
I am loving, caring and down to earth. I am good looking and hashsome man you will always want to spend your time with all day