“Serious(and RATIONAL)announcement…”
<< Divorced +60-year-old completely free, NON Smoker/Drinker, 1.68m, 68kg.
daily physical exercises for general maintenance (*** the ARBITRARY appreciation of what some of these judged Seniors may represent for oneself: often "Old" starting 50 years", is NOT necessarily SUITABLE towards those who are TOTALLY UNKNOWN...); I frequent neither bistros-bars nor nightclubs, I am looking for a Woman of any Ethny,100% FREE to RECEIVE(but WITHOUT any DEPENDENT at home).
I want her to be neither a Smoker/Drinker (or only VERY moderately) NOR VENAL= WITHOUT ANY HARGAGING (direct OR indirect prostitution totally excluded, that goes without saying...), rather CALM-cool, knowing from the outset how to put myself at ease, without "fuss", to seek ONLY the ESSENTIAL feeling that she needs, in a relationship without TABUS(or near), and why not lasting follow-up if the understanding will be good.
Then everyone goes home after each meeting so that they retain their freedom without "asphyxiation" (by an omnipresence that would be "annoying-heavy"...) <<
*** Note: regarding "Tabus" and "embarrassements in general", a point to raise which is very important for any couple, BECAUSE belonging to the MEDICO-Physiological field: I would like this companion possessing a truly ADULT character to let herself go like me to this other NEED(among others) to evacuate our "farts" (including burps), as many times as necessary, without problems of indisposition to all NATURAL "scents" which would be as unbearable to her as those of this famous American actress ( whose Name I do not site, but really existing), who vinticatively (not to say VERY aggressively...) forced his companion to always have to go out _even in the middle of the night and in any climate!_ to relieve himself outside on their balcony...while she was not contradictorily reluctant to let go of hers...until he inevitably asked for a divorce...with detailed public explanations!...No comment/s...
So welcome to any Woman from Mauritius or Reunion or elsewhere who would be 100% on my Wavelength.
*** In the process, my thoughts go particularly to these 2 Ladies who expressed themselves without restraint very frankly on RADIO-FREEDOM (Reunion) during the "RANDONU" survey hosted by Thiéry Robert.
The first said that she practiced Naturism(prohibited in Reunion) in France while specifying: "it is the "Religious" DOGMAS and their PROHIBITIONS + PERSECUTIONS relating to this "pleasure of the Flesh" ILLEGITIMATELY and DICTATORIALLY defended by those who DO NOT CARE behind our backs (= Those CHARLATANS of Preachers!!), which are the main ones obstacles to leading a natural and healthy life"!!
After that,during the gossips + lynching towards G.DEPARDIEU(the Fr actor),this remark said by the 2nd: "there is a crowd of "stuck-unhinged" FEMINISTS (including those who would like to see him lynched without any other form of trial!) who,(for personal Psychopathological problems), personally consider _and go so far as to say_, that: "everyone can do without Sexo-carnal relations(??!!), because they are not only "devoid of any attraction" but MORE USELESS in a Human life"..., while all Women who are normally constituted and not stuck-inhibited by "Religious-Castrating-Châtrating" Educations,feel MORE OF A NEED FOR I than Men! All Sexologists (M/F) can confirm this!
So welcome to these enlightened Reu-women and all same ones from Mauritius and elsewhere,who would be 100% on my Wavelength.
*** I TOO SERIOUSLY add that I'll offer the best,fast and resolutive Remedy against a crowd of illnesses(including Cancers),remedy which has never been traded since today,to the woman who will carry me out of the "Emotionally PLAGUED" populace in where I am living for too long time...!
(First contact ONLY by Messenger,please). Thank you
NOTE: let all VENAL(S) who would appear on the one hand ONLY to exhibit their provocative-"bare" SELFIES (waiting for fantasized "Hollywood contracts"...), while totally off topic as: not to have any everything saved in memory of my research, have just some intelligence not to contact. Thank you
- 14 Jan, 2024
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